— однопролётная арка, расположенная на древней Священной дороге (Via Sacra) к юго-востоку от Римского форума. Построена Домицианом вскоре после смерти Тита в 81 году н. э. в память о взятии Иерусалима в 70 году н. э. Послужила моделью для многих триумфальных арок Нового времени.
Существовала также другая, трёхпролётная арка Тита, воздвигнутая Сенатом в 81 году н. э. в восточной оконечности ипподрома Циркус Максимус.The Arch was built by the Senate in memory of the Emperor Titus after his death in 81 AD. The arc shows the foundations suspended because of an excavation occurred in modern times to bring to light the floor of the Augustan period, but removing the flooring contemporary arc. The Arch has had major struggles over time (in medieval times was incorporated into the construction of the convent of Santa Maria Nova - San Francesca Romana), but was restored to its former glory thanks to the work (1882) conducted by Giuseppe Valadier commissioned by Pio VII with additions of travertine. Looking towards the Roman Forum, on the left side you can see the porters carrying objects captured in the campign of Tito against the Jews. The far right you can see an arch surmounted by two quadriga: this is the Porta Trionfale, located in the Forum Boario, beginning of the ceremony of the triumph. Enrolment original era can be seen on the side to the Colosseum and says: "the Senate and Roman People (dedicated) the idol of the deified Vespasian's son Titus Vespasian.